Labels:bench | cabinet | computer | desk | door | modem | seat | sky | stool | table OCR: Apple External Hard Disks 0208 Overvieu Features Benefits Providing 20 40 80, or 160 80.or 160 megabtes of storage Provides for fast convenient access to Apple megabytes External storage Hard Disks capacity, are large without data Supports files swapping and creation of floppy multiple high-end disks applications solutions ideally suited to meet the grow such as AppleShare file servers and A/UX ing needs of business education, systems prof fessional, and I technical users Fast daea access: .... Accesses ........... daa significantly faster than who demand fast convenient, 160SC- -18 milliseconds average seek floppy drrre and reliable access to their appli- 80SC -20 milliseconds average seek cations and data files 40SC 30 milliseconds average seek Besides providing vastly more 20SC- 68 3mil ...